osCommerce Lost Password Fix
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

osCommerce Lost Password Fix


OSComerce does not have an easy to use Password Reset tool. Instead you will need to remove the existing administrator account and then create a new one.

How to Reset Your OSCommerce Administrator Account

  1. Login to your hostmonster Control Panel
  2. Click the phpMyAdmin icon, located in the Databases section of the cPanel.
  3. From the left hand side of the page, choose your osCommerce database name (typically something like _osc1).
  4. Again, from the left hand side choose the table named administrators.
  5. Click the tab labeled Empty, located about the middle of the page.
  6. You will be prompted, "Do you really want to : TRUNCATE TABLE 'administrators' ?", Click the OK button.
  7. Now return to your osCommerce site and try to login to the admin area. The site will state that there is not currently a user, so you can be the first.
  8. Enter the desired admin name and password into the login area and click the Login button.
  9. Nothing will seem to happen, but your site just accepted your submission as the new administrator user.
  10. Again login with the newly created administrator username and password you just typed in the previous step.
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