HostMonster Web Hosting Help
Domain Redemption
When your domain registration expires, you have a certain number of days from the expiration date to renew it. Once this time frame passes, your domain will fall into redemption. After a domain enters redemption, the registrar charges a redemption fee in addition to the normal renewal fee. If you choose not to renew your registration, your domain will be auctioned to a higher bidder or released to the public.
What to Expect
In the event that a domain expires, HostMonster will hold the expired domain for up to 30 days as a courtesy and not as an obligation (contractual or otherwise). After 30 days past expiration, the domain will be placed in redemption. During the redemption period, the domain will be inaccessible and unable to be registered elsewhere until the auction period has ended. In order to bring a domain out of redemption, you (the previous owner) must pay a redemption fee of $70.00, plus the normal renewal fee.
Options to Resolve Redemption:
- Pay the redemption and renewal fees. You will retrieve the domain name, and the DNS will revert to its previous settings. Remember that DNS changes can take up to 48 hours.
- If you paid late without realizing your domain was in redemption or if you paid on time but failed to notify us and your domain is no longer available for renewal, you may accept a credit for the amount you paid for the domain name.
- Register a different domain name. HostMonster will be glad to help you find similar domain names or domain names with different TLDs. If you have already submitted payment to renew your domain, HostMonster may apply the amount paid to the new domain.
- Wait for the domain to be released to the public for purchase. (Unfortunately, HostMonster does not know when a domain will be released, nor will we be notified when it happens. You will simply need to attempt to register the domain name until you notice it is available. This could be any time from the day the domain goes into redemption up until the next expiration date.)

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