VPS or Dedicated Hosting - Enabling Sudo Access
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

VPS or Dedicated Hosting - Enabling Sudo Access

To make managing your HostMonster Dedicated server even easier we have built a tool to quickly grant sudo access to your primary cPanel user.

Enabling Sudo Access

To enable sudo access for your main cPanel user you will need to do the following:
  1. Login to your HostMonster Control Panel
  2. Click the Performance quicklink
  3. Scroll down to the Access Management section.
  4. Click the Primary User tab.
  5. Click Enable, to the right of Sudo Access is:

    You will need to logout of any open terminal sessions for the change to take place.

Once done your username will be added to the wheel group. If you create any additional users you will need to manually add them to the wheel group, or modify the sudoers file, to grant them sudo access. To see how to modify the sudoers file please view this article from the CentOS wiki: How To Become Root

Knowledgebase Article 163,146 views bookmark tags: dedicated sudo

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