HostMonster Web Hosting Help
VPS or Dedicated Hosting - Configure the Default Sender Address
By default, your server’s automated messages will be sent from
To customize your default sender address:
- Log in to the WHM by going to in a browser. Replace with your domain.
- Once you get to the login page, enter your username and password.
- Username will be root.
- Password will be the root password for your server.
- If you see the Feature Showcase page, scroll to the bottom and click the Exit to WHM button.
- Once in the WHM, look for the Software section and select MultiPHP INI Editor from the list.
- On the MultiPHP INI Editor page, navigate to Editor Mode and select a PHP version from the drop-down.
- In the editor, modify the sendmail_path value.
For example, if you want your default sender address to be, modify the value to be:/usr/sbin/sendmail –t –I –f’’
- Click Save.
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