HostMonster Web Hosting Help
RoundCube Install
Auto Installation of Roundcube for Website
- Log in to your HostMonster cPanel account.
- Find Website section and select One-Click Installs.
- Click One-Click Installs icon.
- Find the Webmail section and select Roundcube.
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Manual Installation of Roundcube for Website
- Download Roundcube from their website at
- Extract the downloaded file onto your computer using a .tar.gz extraction program such as WinRar or WinZip
- Login to your HostMonster account and click on 'MySQL Databases', then create a database name of your choice. example: myroundcube Note: it will add your HostMonster account username and underscore to the front of the database name you create. So the database name will look like username_myroundcube (write down what it's named as we will need it later).
- Create a username and password under the Users section of mysql Example: myuser Note: The username will also add your HostMonster account username in front o the username you create so it will look like username_myuser but your password will be exactly what you typed. Write down what they are we will need them later.
- In the mysql section there are two drop down boxes under databases select the database you created (username_myroundcube) and then the username you created (username_myuser) and then click the button under them that says Add User to DB.
- At the bottom of the mysql section there will be a link to PHPMYADMIN. Click on it.
- On the left select the database you created (username_myroundcube) in the drop down menu.
- Click on the IMPORT(SQL) tab in the middle top area of the screen.
- Click the Browse button and browse to the folder we extracted all the files to and go into the SQL folder and click on the file mysql.initial.sql and click open. Then click the GO Button and this will setup the database for Roundcube. Then close out of the browser.
- Locate the folder you just extracted and then go into the folder called config.
- Locate file and rename it to
- Locate file and rename it to
- Click 'Start' in your computer, then 'run' and type in wordpad.exe. WordPad will open.
- Click File then open and browse to the file (Note: when you browse to open the file you may need to set Files of type to All Documents):
- Locate the line:
$rcmail_config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://roundcube:pass@localhost/roundcubemail';
We will edit this line to put in our database info.
Where it says "roundcube:pass", you will put in your database username and password there, but keep the colonexample: username_myuser:password
Where it says roundcubemail you will fill in your database name there.example: username_myroundcube
So it should end up looking something like this, but with your info:$rcmail_config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://username_myuser:password@localhost/username_myroundcube';
- Click Save and Close wordpad.
- Click 'start' then 'run' and type in wordpad.exe. WordPad will open again.
- Click File then open and browse to the file Click File then open and browse to the file (Note: when you browse to open the file you may need to set Files of type to All Documents):
Find this line:$rcmail_config['enable_caching'] = TRUE;
And change the word TRUE; to FALSE;
Find this line:$rcmail_config['default_host'] = '';
Between the two single quotations type - Click Save and Close wordpad.
- FTP all of the extracted individual files to the folder on your site where you want to install roundcube. Example (folder named: email).
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tags: MOJO email roundcube webmail

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