HostMonster Web Hosting Help
Cron Time
How to run cron jobs at a specific date and time.
This article will provide the correct times to set for your Cron Jobs. If you need a different explanation on Cron Jobs, please refer to this list of Cron Job articles:
- Cron Job Basics
- Setup or Remove a Cron Job
- Crons Running at Specific Date and Time
- Specify a Cron Job to use a Specific php.ini File
- Cron Jobs with PHP and other File Types
Our servers are set up to use USA/MDT. Once you have determined the corrected time value, you can add it to the cron job area of your cPanel.
Timing your Cron Job
In order to correctly set HostMonster's servers to perform a desired task in the form of a cron at a specific "local" time, you will need to find the system time of your server and compare that to your "local time". Subtract or add the difference.
Note: You can check the current time, as well as the GMT, at
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