HostMonster Web Hosting Help
Accessing the File Manager
File Manager Overview - Accessing the File Manager
File Manager is a quick and easy way to navigate through your files. It also has an array of features that can help you to manage your files, such as uploading, creating, removing, editing, copying, moving, compressing, or extracting your files.
This article is part of our File Manager tutorial series. Please see the links below if you are looking for a specific explanation of the File Manager.
- Accessing the File Manager
- Navigating the File Manager
- Uploading Files
- Creating, Removing, and Editing Files
- Copying and Moving Files
- Compressing Files into an Archive (GZip)
- Extracting Files from an Archive
Accessing the File Manager
- Log in to your HostMonster cPanel account.
- Under the Files category locate the File Manager icon.
- A dialouge box will appear. In the pop-up, select Web Root (public_html/www) and check the box next to Show Hidden Files (dotfiles). (this will place you in the folder for your web content and show you all the files and folders present).
- The File Manager will now load in a new window and show your files. Double click on a folder to open it, and click Up One Level to go back a folder. For more information on getting around the File Manager, please see our Navigating the File Manager article.
No pop-up box? You may have selected the "Skip this question, and always open this directory in the future when opening File Manager" option. To make the pop-up reappear, simply click reset all interface settings at the very bottom of your cPanel.
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tags: cpanel filemanager

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