How to Reset Your Login Password
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

How to Reset Your Login Password

Whether you've forgotten your main account password or just want to change it, we can help! This article walks you through changing or resetting the main account password—the password you use to log in to your HostMonster account if you know the username or domain associated with it.

If you are not sure what your username is or don't remember the domain registered with your account, we suggest searching your inbox for the welcome email sent at the time of account creation. Contact support at 866-573-4678 (ext. 2) for further assistance.

The main password will serve as your cPanel password as well. If you need to reset your hosting or billing password, please contact the account administrator.

Password Requirements

First, let's go over the password requirements. These requirements may look strict but they'll help you create a strong password. Your new password must have:

  1. At least eight characters
  2. At least one capital letter
  3. At least one lowercase letter 
  4. At least one number
  5. At least one special character
  6. A minimum strength rating of "Fair" or higher
  7. Can't be a previously-used password
  8. Can't contain the account username

What is a Special Character?

Special characters are any symbol that is not a number or letter. The following are some examples of special characters.

~ ` ! @ # $ % ^
& * ( ) _ - + =
[ ] { } | \ : ;
" ' < > , . ? /

I Don't Remember the Current Password

If you've forgotten your main account password and are unable to log in to your HostMonster account, follow these steps to reset the password:

  1. On the HostMonster homepage, click login in the top right corner of the page.
  2. From the login screen, click Forgot Password.
  3. Enter your username, which is your full domain name, and click Next.
  4. An email containing a password reset link will be sent to the email address on file for your account. Click the reset link in the email.
    • If the email is not in your inbox, wait a few minutes and check again, or look in your junk mail or spam folder. If you've still not received it, make sure you're checking the right email address or check out how to update your email address.

I Know the Password but Want to Change It

If you know your password, log in to your HostMonster account, then follow these steps to reset the password:


  1. Click the Account menu at the top of the page.
  2. Click Passwords in the submenu to manage your passwords.
  3. Under the heading Main Password, enter your current password.
  4. Choose the new password you would like to use. Make sure it meets the password requirements outlined above in the Password Requirements section.
  5. Check the box to confirm that you've reviewed and agree to our Terms of Service.
  6. Click Continue.


  1. Click the 'account' icon at the top of the page on the far right-hand side.
  2. Choose the Security option in the submenu to manage your passwords.
  3. Click the Change Password button beneath the password you would like to update.
  4. Choose the new password you would like to use. Make sure it meets the password requirements outlined above in the Password Requirements section.
  5. Click Create Password.

I Don't Remember my Domain Name

If you are not sure what your username is or don't remember the domain registered with your account, we suggest searching your inbox for the welcome email sent at the time of account creation. Contact support at 866-573-4678 (ext. 2) for further assistance.


  • If your new password includes all of the requirements but doesn't reach at least "Meh" on the strength scale, try adding an additional special character.
  • Use only the special characters shown in the Password Requirements section. Don't use international characters.
  • If you're having trouble coming up with an acceptable password, click Suggest Password and the system will create one for you.
  • If you're unable to log in with the new password, make sure you are using a valid username. You can use any domain name assigned to your account (e.g.,, or the username that was created when you signed up (e.g., yourdom1). An email address is not a valid username.
  • We recommend clearing your browser’s cache, cookies, history, and passwords. If you need assistance, please see How to Clear Your Browser Cache.
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