HostMonster Web Hosting Help

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Help Content Tagged Addon - 12 results RSS

How do I setup an addon domain or parked domain in my hosting account?
Knowledgebase Article 922,766 views tags: addon domains parked

What is an Addon domain?
Knowledgebase Article 539,650 views tags: addon domain

Can I make subdomains for my addon domains on the account?
Knowledgebase Article 530,170 views tags: add addon dns domain park subdomain

How do I FTP to my addon domains and subdomains without interfering with my main account.
Knowledgebase Article 463,059 views tags: addon domain ftp

What is the difference between parked domains and addon domains?
Knowledgebase Article 454,605 views tags: add addon domain park parked

How do I stop people from being able to use the addon domain as a subdomain of the primary domain?
Knowledgebase Article 425,270 views tags: addon domain htaccess

How to Purchase a Dedicated IP
Knowledgebase Article 388,531 views tags: addon ip

I am trying to transfer a domain(s) from my current registrar to hostmonster. When I fill out the transfer form I cannot get beyond step 2/4. There does not seem to be any "submit" or "next"
Knowledgebase Article 373,602 views tags: addon auth code domain domains epp registration transfer

I would like to view the statistics for my website.
Knowledgebase Article 366,357 views tags: addon domain enable hits set setup statistics stats subdomain visitors web

I do not want to see How do I do that?
Knowledgebase Article 341,772 views tags: accessible addon directory domain folders hidden htaccess inaccessible primary secondary

I have setup a pointed/addon domain, where should I upload the files for this domain?
Knowledgebase Article 334,749 views tags: addon domain pointed

I tried to assign a domain through the Domain Manager, but it does not allow me to. What is wrong?
Knowledgebase Article 334,587 views tags: addon domain park parked