VPS or Dedicated - Changing your Hostname in WHM
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

VPS or Dedicated - Changing your Hostname in WHM

Direct Login to WHM
  1. Login to WHM: https://example.com:2087
    Note: The SSL Certificate is self signed.
  2. Locate the Networking Setup section.
  3. Choose Change Hostname
  4. Read the Instructions provided by cPanel.
    To sum up the instructions, you need to remember that this is publicly visible, it needs to be a Fully Qualified Domain Name, never start with www or digit, nor should it end with a hyphen.
  5. Enter the new Hostname, again this should look much like a subdomain.
    Example: server.example.com, host.example.com, ect.

Once the Apache configuration has been updated you will be reminded to create an A record for your new Hostname. If you have already created an A record for the new Hostname you can ignore the following steps.

  1. Click the Add an A entry for your hostname
  2. Verify that the Hostname and IP address are correct.
  3. Click Add Entry

After you have changed the Hostname you will need to create an A Record for that new Hostname. It is recommended that you use the DNS Zone Editor in the Domains section to make this change. To see how to make this change please see: How to Modify DNS Records.

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