File Manager - How to Upload Files
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

File Manager - How to Upload Files

This article is part of our File Manager tutorial series. Please see the links below if you are looking for a different explanation of the File Manager.

To upload a file through cPanel's File Manager, please do the following:

  1. Login to cPanel and open the File Manager.
  2. Choose to open Web Root and Show hidden files.

    File Manager - Upload Button

  3. Navigate to the folder where you want the upload to be located.
  4. Click on the Upload icon from the top toolbar

    File Manager - Upload

  5. Click the Browse box (Some web browsers will have a Choose File box instead).
  6. Locate the file on your computer that you wish to upload.
  7. Once the file has been selected, it will automatically upload. You may select additional files while uploads are in progress.
If you are wanting to share your uploaded file publicly, but are unsure of the proper URL, please look at our Finding the URL of a File article.
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