HostMonster Web Hosting Help
Email Management - Account-Level Email Filters
Account level email filtering allows the selection of messages that contain certain strings of text or other symbols, and process or discard them.
Creating a Filter
- Log in to Webmail.
- In the cPanel, select Email
- In the click Email filters on the side menu
- Click New Filter
- Select the email address in the Account dropdown box
- Enter a Filter Name
- Click Next
- Choose the Rule, this sets what email the filter will catch
- Choose the Action the filter should take when it catches an email
- Click Create
When you create a filter using several operators, it may be useful to note that cPanel will always process the "and" operator before the "or" operator. As a result, email filters will be processed as follows:- A and B or C will be processed as (A and B) or C.
- If you wish to create a filter such as (A or B) and (C or D), you would have to create it like so:
(A and C) or (A and D) or (B and C) or (B and D).
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tags: account email filtering level

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