How To Setup An Email Account - Create A New Email Account
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HostMonster Web Hosting Help

How To Setup An Email Account - Create A New Email Account

Managing Your Email Accounts


This article will show you how to Add, Delete, and Manage your HostMonster email accounts.

Accessing Email Accounts


  1. Log into your HostMonster Control Panel
  2. Open the Email Accounts tool, located in the Mail section of the cPanel.


  1. Log into your HostMonster Control Panel
  2. From the side navigation menu to the left of your screen, click on the Email & Office tab.
  3. Purchase an email plan, or click the Manage button next to the plan you wish to make changes to.

Creating a new email account


  1. Open the Email Manager icon under the Email section.
  2. Click on the Create an Email Account button.


To create a GSuite or Office 365 email account, click here, or:

  1. From the side navigation menu to the left of your screen, open the Email & Office tab.
  2. Click Manage next to the domain you wish to add an address for.
  3. Click the Create button.
To create a standard cPanel email account:

  1. From the side navigation menu to the left of your screen, click the Advanced tab .
  2. Click on the Email Accounts icon from within the Email section.
  3. Click the Create button.

Once you have the create email screen open:

  1. In the Email: text box type the User you would like to create an email address for.
  2. In the Password: text box type the Password you would like this User to have.
  3. The Password Strength: meter will tell if the password you have entered is strong enough. We highly recommend you use a strong password. For more information on this subject? Please see our Knowledgebase article on (Password Strength)
  4. In the Password (Again): text box type the Same Password you used above to confirm that they are the same. If the passwords do not match please carefully retype the password into both boxes again.
  5. The Mailbox quota (optional): text box is used to specify the amount of your overall hosting storage that will be allocated for that specific email account. The default that should be listed is 250 MB. You can increase or decrease this number as you desire.
  6. Once the User, Password, and Quota are all accurate; simply click the Create Account" button.

Viewing your current email accounts


Once the email accounts have been created they are listed on the bottom half of the page. You are able to search for email accounts by email address, username or domain name.


Once created, click back into the Email Accounts tab to view your active email addresses. You are able to search for email accounts by email address, username or domain name.

Deleting email accounts

To delete an email account:

  1. Click Delete, to the right of the email account.
  2. Click Delete to confirm that you would like to delete this email account.

    Note: This will delete all of the emails associated with this email account.

Changing the quota of an email account


  1. Click Change Quota to the right of the email account.
  2. Enter the new quota for the email account.
  3. Click the Change Quota button to confirm the new quota.


  1. Click Disk and Quota to the right of the email account.
  2. Enter the new quota for the email account.
  3. Click the Save button to confirm the new quota.

Changing the password of an email account


  1. Click Change Password to the right of the email account.
  2. Enter the new Password for the email account.
  3. Click the Change Password button to change the password for the email account.


  1. Click Password and Authentication to the right of the email account.
  2. Enter the new Password for the email account. Re-enter to confirm.
  3. Click the Change Password button to change the password for the email account.

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